Tuesday, October 5, 2010
F*ing White Rabbit!
I know alot of people have asked for this from me so... I am going to place it here for now.
The rewatch was fun this week and being that 'White Rabbit' is one of my favorite Lost episodes, I am lucky to own a copy of the script. Lost scripts do read very much like a great book, and I recommend that if you ever come across one, to pick it up and read through it... but I thought you guys would enjoy all the swears in it as well :) It always gives me a chuckle when I read them in the stage notes. Here are most if not all of the swears in the script for your entertainment :) I thought you all everybody would get a kick out of reading them. Enjoy.
Stage Notes & Directions from Lost 1x05 White Rabbit
But Jack is already SCANNING the water in the dawn light. And GODDAMMIT…There IS someone out there. Really fucking FAR OUT THERE.
As Jack's arms CUT through the water -- his face emerging every ten strokes to take a GAPING BREATH -- a fucking machine as he POWERS towards -- THE PERSON OFF IN THE DISTANCE--struggling to keep their hard above water -- still so FAR AWAY
JACK'S POV - PANICKED. HANDHELD. Scanning the ocean from side to side -- How could he not have seen…? And OH FUCKING SHIT! Because there -- ANOTHER hundred yards out -- IS A WOMEN. And she is about to go UNDER.
Here's Boon. Exhausted. A sack of rocks in Jack's arm. And there's the WOMEN. About to dip below the surface. And so far away we can't even make out her face. So it's Sophie's fucking choice here, folks. And we -- SMASH CUT TO: THE BEACH
But Jack isn't looking at her. He's looking PAST her. WAY past her. And the SOUND DROPS OUT as we follow his gaze to -- THE OCEAN. There. In the shallows. A MAN. And we're TOO FAR AWAY to see his face, but he's wearing a SUIT. And he's WAIST DEEP in the water. Just standing there. Facing us. Facing Jack. And it's fucking creepy.
Jack turns back to her. DESPERATE. Needing her to tell him he's not going fucking nuts. Needing her to tell him she saw the same thing he did.
But Jack isn't in the mood for tenderness right now. And he sure as shit isn't answering that question, either. he just picks up the MIRROR…
SHANNON (fuck you) Look -- while I really love my new nickname and I think it's really sweet that you're asking…
SAWYER Calm down. I got your damn stuff.
And Jack is WALKING AWAY now, it's just TOO FUCKING MUCH… But Charlie picks up the RED SUITCASE. He and Hurley nipping at Jack's heels as he heads beck for the infirmary tent.
And that does it. The dam breaks. Jack stops. SPINS ON BOTH OF THEM -- And he doesn't YELL, but it's fucking close--
JACK: I'm not deciding anything.
And Hurley visibly flinches. Not used to this from Jack. Shit. Neither are we.
Hurley: (quietly) Why not?
Jack GRITS his teeth. Why not? Why fucking not?
And let's stop for a second here. Because this is one of those moments in your childhood. One of those moments where your folks say something that just NEVER GOES AWAY. Something that sticks with you. that BECOMES you. And Jack is listening to every fucking word of it.
And his father actually puts his hand on Jack's shoulder. He does love his son. This is said out of that love… no matter how fucking cruel it sounds to us --
Jack looks up to see BOONE standing in the opening of the tent. We get the feeling he's been working his way up to this confrontation all morning. And this is the last fucking thing Jack needs. he gets up, exits the tent --
Just standing still. his back to Jack. Close enough to make out his GRAY HAIR. And it's HAND-HELD. CREEPY. Jack takes a few tentative steps forward. Closing the distance… Jack reaches out to tough his shoulder…And th Man SUDDENLY TURNS!
And holy FUCKING SHIT -- It's Jack's father.
And the SHOCK of this -- the fact that he's actually SEEING this -- FLOORS Jack. His eyes go WIDE as he literally staggers backwards, TRIPS -- And lands on his ass.
His eyes never leave the face of his father. SO FUCKING MUCH GOING ON -- but it's almost like jack has regressed twenty-five years. His voice almost childlike as he utters -- JACK: Dad?
MARGO: He doesn't have friends anymore. (beat; pointed) Why do you think that is?
Okay. Starting to heat up a little here. We're definitely dropping in on some big time FAMILY SHIT -- and we don't need to know exactly what it is to get the main idea -- WHATEVER MADE HIS FATHER RUN OFF, JACK IS RESPONSIBLE FOR IT.
Jack's eyes drop under his mother's GLARE. Whatever it is she's accusing him of, part of him is OWNING IT. Then --
MARGO: He was right about you.
And that fucking hits a nerve. Jack's eyes dart back up, giving her a GLARE right back --
KATE: Claire? Can you hear me? Claire? Wake up…
And THANK FUCKING GOD because Claire's eyes flutter open. She looks around confused --
LOCKE: When the others find out we're out of water, it's gonna get ugly. And when they find out someone pinched it, it's gonna get uglier. I'll go. Camp needs you two here. Especially with the doctor gone. Besides -- (that fucking smile) I know where to look.
JACK: Where are you?
Spinning FASTER NOW. Jack louder --
JACK: Where are you?
And we're getting FUCKING DIZZY we're SPINNING SO FAST as --
Well. there it is. And Jack does not like hearing it. NOT AT ALL. Takes a step towards the Manager --
JACK: My father… (holding it in but it's not fucking easy) Is a Chief of Surgery.
And Jack is so fucking angry he wants to pound this guy, but luckily his attention is diverted as -- He spots something on the NIGHT STAND. A WALLET. Jack immediately crosses to it. Picks it up. Opens it --
And maybe it's just that Jack is literally at the end of his fucking tether, but it's almost like we can FEEL A PRESENCE here. And Jack STOPS breathing because he hears something.
And it's fucking CLOSE. Jack WHIPS AROUND --
And a new look of DETERMINATION falls over Jack's eyes. Enough of this bullshit. ENOUGH. He's gonna catch him this time. He has to.
So Jack cuts through the jungle, just acting GLIMPSES of his father up ahead -- always far off, just out of reach.
Jack pushes massive LEAVES aside -- and we're SO CLOSE on him we lose perspective because Jack RUNS with such drive and such purpose -- GAINING now, about to finally CATCH UP when --
JACK FALLS FORWARD down an INCLINE -- FALLS ON HIS ASS -- SCRAMBLING -- SLIDING -- Tries to STOP HIMSELF with his feet but he's moving too fast and…
OH SHIT -- He's flying off A ROCK SHELF and --
A ROOT is all that saves him as his body goes over his LEGS KICK AT THE AIR because…
Jack is hanging off the EDGE OF A CLIFF. A hundred foot drop to the ground. Out here. ALONE.
And as we realize he's totally FUCKED…
Jack tries to wedge his foot amongst some rocks, but they're LOOSE and…
THE ROOT he's holding on to is PULLING FREE and --
GRIM RECOGNITION falls over Jack's WATERING EYES. He's going to die here. Here on this fucking island --
LOCKE: You okay?
Jack just nods, Because he's not hyperventilating at all. he's LAUGHING. Louder now. Hysterically.
And okay, maybe it's a little insane, but this is what happens when you've been in a plane crash and haven't slept and you're chasing your father through the jungle and you almost fucking die.
LOCKE: All right, then. You're hallucinating. (beat) But what if you're not?
Jack masks his fear of exactly that with a nervous laugh --
JACK: Then we're all in a lot of trouble.
And now we begin to PUSH IN on Locke. A man who knows of what he speaks, and what he speaks of is fucking SCARY --
It's a flat-out fucking TACKLE and this girl really fucking knows what she's doing because in a matter of seconds -- She's PINNED Sawyer -- her KNEES pressing hard into his shoulders -- a provocative position under any other set of circumstances.
And there's something about him -- dispute the fucking bravado -- that makes it instantly clear that Sawyer is absolutely INNOCENT. He's telling the truth.
And as the Doctor begins to speak, we HOLD ON JACK -- PUSHING IN as every second brings more emotion. A deeper sense of pain and loss. And it is fucking DEVASTATING to watch.
Jack pauses -- a sense of whatever lies beyond -- but it's too fucking late to turn back now -- his journey almost at it's inevitable conclusion…
And here's Jack. Wearing the very same SUIT we saw him wearing in the Pilot. He stands at the OCEANIC CUSTOMER SERVICE COUNTER. And he is fucking losing it.
TICKET AGENT: --Sir, perhaps another carrier may…
JACK: (enough) NO!
And he fucking SHOUTED THAT. People standing around actually look over, nervously. Buck Jack could care less. He leans in to the DESK ATTENDANT, eyes burning --
Jack squats -- then with great STRAIN he manages to LIFT IT UP -- pushing it on to its side -- but OH FUCK -- the lid FLIPS OPEN!
Maybe the body fell out in the crash -- maybe it's still out there in the jungle -- or maybe…
But none of that matters now. Because all of this pressure, this anxiety, this fucking situation is all so UNFAIR.
And that translates to pure RAGE for Jack… ANGER at not being able to put this behind him… and ANGER at his father for haunting him, even here…
And Jack's pulling a METAL ROD from the wreckage, raising it over his head and he --
SMASHES the coffin. Over and over. Into fucking splinters.
SHANNON runs up -- locks eyes with Boone -- No fucking idea what to do… KATE and SAYID are right behind her --
SLAM! Boone goes flying into the sand again
And it's out of control. Six Days on the island. The stress. The frustration. The situation. this is the very worst of human nature because -- The fucking MOB wants blood.
And everything just STOPS.
We're ON KATE as she turns towards the sound of that powerful voice. And thank fucking God…
And he might still be unshaven. he might be fucking exhausted. But there is a LIGHT in his eyes now. The same light in his eyes when he got his ass kicked on the playground twenty years ago.
JACK: If we can't live together, we're gonna die alone.
And as we see them -- ALL of them -- just looking at Jack. looking UP to him. And yeah, there's gonna be some bumps along the way, but it's pretty fucking clear --
We've just witnessed the birth of a LEADER.
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